Case of a 35/F from West Bengal

Hello, This is Geetanjali.
This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems with an aim to solve the patient’s clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.
This is a telemedical case report of our patient.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of “patient clinical data analysis” to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings,investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

The patient is a 35 F from Malda, West Bengal , assistant professor by occupation.
(The patient history was taken over the phone)

 Lower back pain ( since 2020)
 Knee pain (since 2020) 
 Menorrhagia ( since 1 year) 

She was apparently asymptomatic till 2020

Lower back pain (since 2020)
Insidious in onset 
Progressive in nature 
Aggravated on sitting upright to use computer 
Relieved on using counterirritants (volini) and sleep 

Knee pain (since 2020)
Non radiating
Insidious in onset 
Progressive in nature 
Right Knee joint pain in prominent 
H/o locking present (medication prescribed but failed to work)
Aggravated in the past 6 months and on standing 
Received pain on adequate rest , usage of counterirritants and exercises given by PT

Menorrhagia started 1 year after delivery 
Clots present (2- 3 cm in size , increased after delivery)
Bleeding increased in the first 2 - 3 days since just 2021

Dryness around the lips is present since 7 - 8 months 
- aggravated on less water intake and not moisturized 
- leads to redness and itching 
- lips get sealed and leads to Bleeding 
Menarche : 13 years 
No of days per cycle:  7 / 30 days per cycle 
No of pads used (before mennorhagia) : 3 - 4 pads per day 
No of pads used currently : 5 - 6 per day 
Clots present (increased after labour to 2- 3 cm in size)
Menorrhagia present in first 2 - 3 days since  June 2022

Had an LSCS done in JULY 2021 
1 daughter ( live and healthy) 
Still breast feeding ( causing sleep disturbances)
No abortions 
Appetite reduced over time 
Blotting present and increased during sleep

Married in 2018 
Uses oral contraceptives 
No h/o of fertility treatments 

Mother is a patient of osteoarthritis since age of 40
Father is a known case of diabetes and has had open heart surgery done.

Known case of hypothyroidism 
Uses prescribed medication - 25 mcg 
Initial dosage changed from 12.5 mcg , 25mcg and 50 mcg 
Easily lethargic , fatigued and hair loss presnt since diagnosed with hypothyroidism

Taking iron tablets since 3 months ( no change in hb levels)
Dizziness present since 1 year 
Low BP rarely present (100/60)

Height - 5 feet 
Weight- 44 to 45kg 
- lost around 5 kg weight post partum 
Regular bowel movements 
- Takes Pantom tablets for acidity and bloating ( 13 - 14 per month) 
Diarrhea associated with bloating present .


Monday to Friday:
Prepare her child for school during 8.30 -9.30 am, 6-7 hours for university work, rest for 1 hour, 2 hours miscellaneous work at home, 1-2 hours official or personal work in computer, 7- 8 hours sleeping.

 Saturday and Sunday:
Spending time with her child throughout the day, Rest after lunch for 2 hours, 3-4 hours for Miscellaneous work outside and inside home, 1-2 hours official or personal work, 7- 8 hours sleeping.

Wake up in the morning at 7.30-8.00 am
• Tea time : 8.30 - 9.00am
• Breakfast at 9.30 to 10 am
• Lunch in between 12.30 to 1.30pm.(when stay at home) 
• Office time on an average 11.00 am – 6.00 pm.
• Tiffin at 7-7.30 pm
• Dinner at 9.30 to 10 pm. 
• Go to sleep on an average at 12.30 - 1.00 am


Breakfast: Luchi or paratha and Alu sabji and Tea.

Lunch: Rice, Fish, seasonal vegetables

Sour Curd or fruits ( papaya/ guava/ apple)

Tiffin: Muri and Tea

Dinner: Rice and Roti both and vegetables. 

Breakfast: Roti and sabji and Tea

Lunch: Rice, Fish, seasonal vegetables

Sour Curd after lunch

Tiffin: Muri and Tea

Dinner: Rice and Roti both and vegetables. 

Breakfast: Roti and Sabji and Tea

Lunch: Rice, Dal, vaji, seasonal vegetables

Tiffin: Roti and Tea

Dinner: Rice and Roti both and vegetables. 

Breakfast: Maggi with vegetables or egg. Tea

Lunch: Rice, Fish, vaji and seasonal vegetables. 

 Sour Curd after lunch

Tiffin: Muri and Tea

Dinner: Rice and Roti both and Chicken. 

Breakfast: Roti and sabji and Tea

Lunch: Rice, Fish, seasonal vegetables. 

Tiffin: Tea and biscuits. 

Dinner: Rice and Roti both, dal and vegetables. 

Breakfast: Tea with biscuits and Dalia

Lunch: Rice, Fish, seasonal vegetables. 

Tiffin: Bread toast and tea. 

Dinner: Roti and chicken. 

Breakfast: Roti and sabji. Tea 

Lunch: Rice, Dal, vaji and seasonal vegetables. 
Fruits after lunch. 

Tiffin: Bread toast and tea. 

Dinner: Rice and Roti both and panner sabji




